Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

LOOking Different People


he is like "surip" grand parent
more colourfull, so different boys I ever see

enormous our GOD create every people.....

Principles of Management

  1. Management Basics
  2. The Environment and context management
  3. planning
  4. organizing
  5. controlling 
  6. leading
  •  four management function: planning>> identifying organizational resources, goals, and strategies... organizing>> designing systems and structures to facilitate meeting those goals... leading>> influencing others to meet goals.... controlling>> ensuring that member's actions match the organization's standard values
  • study management: technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills
  • 4 issues in management: effectiveness, efficiency, outputs, inputs
  • 2 approach in management :MAINSTREAM AND MULTISTREAM
  • managent has become an unavoidable feature of modern life.
  • max weber (1864-1920), who has perhaps the most influential scholar in field of management and organizational theory.

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

wants to be businnes woman

TOEFL ooohh toefl


nothing wanna to think, except TOEFL

Toefl you look very charming, handsome,  for me....

I was take many ways to increase you....

please change >>>>>>>

your awful be helpfull,

your difficult be easy

your secret be public

your stingy be  philanthropist

oowww toefl, big hug for you....

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013


By: Montgomery Van Wart
·         Leadership is complex process involving numerous fundamentally, different types of act.
·         Leadership involves assessing one’s environment and one’s leadership straints
·         Leadership involves developing numerous leadership traits and skills
·         Leaders must refine and modify their style for different situation
·         Leaders achieve predetermined goals
·         Leaders continually evaluate their own performance
·         The most common dimentions of styles, such as leader control, goals and performance expectations, types of motivation used, and focus of the leader’s attention.
·         8 style in leadership (a directive style, a supportive, a delegative, in an achivement-oriented style, an inspirational style, a strategic style, a collaborative, a combined.

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

a novel approach to politics

Remember the plato was not a fan of democracy, and aristotle listed it among the bad forms of government.

this is genius people....  that make me angry with this picture.

next Global Political Economy

Global Political Economy
  • government often enter regional trade agreements for political reasons.
  • these include: enhancing security; improving their international bergaining position etc
  • economic motivation for regionalism include acces to a larger domestic market; etc
  • the new regionalism differs from the previous wave in that participating countries are typically using agreements to increase their integration into the world economy.
  • corporation may prefer regionalism to global trade liberalization if it anables them to capture economies of scale while avoiding exposure to global competition
  • the new regionalism is of such recent origin that the evidence regarding its effects remains inconclusive
  • floating exchange rates have performed an important role in faciliting balance of payments adjustments, but critics argue that they have also been subject to short-term volatility and longer-term misalignments.
  • the international monetery and financial system has undergone three important transformations since the late 19th century, in response to changing economic and political condition
  • financial globalization has also had important distributive consequences along class, sectoral, and gender lines.
  • financial markets have always been prone to bouts of instability.
  • financial crisis generated policy innovations inside industrial states, and the pettern is repeating itself in many emerging-market nations.
  • collaboration efforts, often through intrenationa; institution, can assist developing countries as they open their financial markets.
  • international financial crises are usually more difficult to manage than domestic ones because of jurisdictional ambiguities.
  • some basic level co-ordination is required in crisis management.
  • for managing markets, the IMF has often tahen a lead role in attempting to resolve crises.
  • Policy debates continue on effective mechanism for the restructuring of unsustainable debt in some developing nations.
  • Economic globalization is conceived as having three logics: technics, economics, and politics.
  • 3 types of theory associated with economic globalization: structural, conjuctural, and constructivist
  • Understanding globalization as a historical process involves examining it in terms of three s[eeds of social change.
  • 3 theories of economic globalization are therefore in principal complementary, producing a layered explanation from its structured to its contingent origins.
  • The impact of globalization on the autonomy, capacity, and sovereignty of the nation state is much disputed.
  • The globalization of production is not new, but the magnitude with which it takes place and the degree of fragmentation in global value chains is new.
  • The increasing levels of global production cn be measured in both the dramatic increases in FDI and the increasing importance of trade in components.
  • The increase in global production is a result of economic liberalization, improvements in transportation, and advances in technologies that facilitate modularization.
  • Since the early 1980s, china has become a manufacturing powerhouse, and one of the world’s leading destinations for FDI
  • The rise of global production creates new opportunities for developing countries, but also real risk’ first; for those that are unable to attract FDI, and second; for those able to attract FDI but unable to maximize the benefits for indegenous firms.
  • Good governance was the key, including tackling corruption, holding free elections, and developing and envorcing property rights and contracts.