Global Political Economy
- government often enter regional trade agreements for political reasons.
- these include: enhancing security; improving their international bergaining position etc
- economic motivation for regionalism include acces to a larger domestic market; etc
- the new regionalism differs from the previous wave in that participating countries are typically using agreements to increase their integration into the world economy.
- corporation may prefer regionalism to global trade liberalization if it anables them to capture economies of scale while avoiding exposure to global competition
- the new regionalism is of such recent origin that the evidence regarding its effects remains inconclusive
- floating exchange rates have performed an important role in faciliting balance of payments adjustments, but critics argue that they have also been subject to short-term volatility and longer-term misalignments.
- the international monetery and financial system has undergone three important transformations since the late 19th century, in response to changing economic and political condition
- financial globalization has also had important distributive consequences along class, sectoral, and gender lines.
- financial markets have always been prone to bouts of instability.
- financial crisis generated policy innovations inside industrial states, and the pettern is repeating itself in many emerging-market nations.
- collaboration efforts, often through intrenationa; institution, can assist developing countries as they open their financial markets.
- international financial crises are usually more difficult to manage than domestic ones because of jurisdictional ambiguities.
- some basic level co-ordination is required in crisis management.
- for managing markets, the IMF has often tahen a lead role in attempting to resolve crises.
- Policy debates continue on effective mechanism for the restructuring of unsustainable debt in some developing nations.
- Economic globalization is conceived as having three logics: technics, economics, and politics.
- 3 types of theory associated with economic globalization: structural, conjuctural, and constructivist
- Understanding globalization as a historical process involves examining it in terms of three s[eeds of social change.
- 3 theories of economic globalization are therefore in principal complementary, producing a layered explanation from its structured to its contingent origins.
- The impact of globalization on the autonomy, capacity, and sovereignty of the nation state is much disputed.
- The globalization of production is not new, but the magnitude with which it takes place and the degree of fragmentation in global value chains is new.
- The increasing levels of global production cn be measured in both the dramatic increases in FDI and the increasing importance of trade in components.
- The increase in global production is a result of economic liberalization, improvements in transportation, and advances in technologies that facilitate modularization.
- Since the early 1980s, china has become a manufacturing powerhouse, and one of the world’s leading destinations for FDI
- The rise of global production creates new opportunities for developing countries, but also real risk’ first; for those that are unable to attract FDI, and second; for those able to attract FDI but unable to maximize the benefits for indegenous firms.
- Good governance was the key, including tackling corruption, holding free elections, and developing and envorcing property rights and contracts.
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