Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Introduction of criminal justice :BOHM, Robert M : McGraw:hill, New york, 2005

Introduction of criminal justice :BOHM, Robert M : McGraw:hill, New york, 2005
·         System of Criminal justice=
1.       Police
2.       Courts
3.       Correction
·         Violent crimes : crimes that involve force or threat of force
1.       Murder :  the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
2.       Manslaughter : the unlawful killing of another human being without melice aforethought
3.       Forcible rape :the act of having sexul intercourse with a woman, by force and against her will.
4.       Robbery : theft from a person, accompained by violence, threat of violence, or putting the person in fear.
5.       Kidnapping : the unlawful taking and crayying away of a human being by force and against her will.
·         8 index crimes :
1.       Murder and nonnegligent
2.       Manslaughter                                           
3.       Forcible rape                                              violent crime
4.       Robbery
5.       Aggravited assault
6.       Burglary
7.       Larceny-theft
8.       Motor vehicle theft                                 property crime
9.       Arson
·         Two types of law:
1.       Criminal law
2.       Civil law
·         Criminal law :
1.       Substantive law
2.       Procedural law
·         5 general types of penal sanction :
1.       Punishment
Prevent undesired conduct
2.       Restitution
Make the victim “whole again” by having the offender directly or indirictly pay the victim.
3.       Compansation
Make the victim “whole again” by having the state pay for demages to the victim
4.       Regulation
Control future conduct toward the best interest of the community
5.       Trethment or rehabilitation
Change the offender’s behavior and perhaps personality.
·         Penal sanction : an ideal characteristic of criminal law: the principle that violators will be punished or at least threatened with punishment by the state.
·         People sometimes forget that criminal law is a political phenomenon.
Criminal law is the result of a political process in which rules are created by human beings to prohibit or regulate the behavior of other human beings.
·         The development american law enforcement
Law enforcement america is fragmention, locally controlled, and limited in authority.
American at first adopted the british system of community protection.
·         Police function :
a)      Patrol
b)      Investigation
c)       Traffic
d)      Drug enforcement

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