Women in islqmic shari’ah, maulana
wahiduddin khan, the islamic centre,1995
attributes of men and women
The caracteristic of true believers, both men and women, are
depicted in the Quran in the following world:
Men and women who have surrenderd
Beliving men and beliving women
Obedient men and obedient women
Truthful men and truthful women
Enduring men and enduring women
Humble men and humble women
Men and women who givr in charity
Men who fast and women who fast
Men and women who guard their chastity
Men and women who
remember god in abundance for them god has prepared forgiveness and a great
( hal.21)
Rule of islamic women
Most women become mothers, and the relationship between
mother and child is of the utmost
importence, because the mother’s influence can be used for ends which
maybe good or evil depending upon the
mother’s own proclivities. As a muslim course it is clearly her duty to use her
maternal influence to bring her children up as moral beings.( hal.25)
Modern reserch
A deteiled article on the status of women in encyclopedia
britannica includes a section on “scirntific studies of mail and female
difference” here the author points out physical differences in the respective
constitution of the male and female of the human species.
“with the respect to personality trits,” he writes “ men are
caracteristized by greater agreciveness, dominance, and achivement motivation,
women by greater dependency, a stronger social orientation, and the tendency to
be more easily discouraged by failure than men.
( hal. 40)
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